Female-to-Male Chest Reconstruction
For those who are ready to make the permanent lifestyle change of a female-to-male transition, our practice in Madison, Wisconsin offers breast reduction and chest reconstruction. Procedures for female-to-male transitions can vary, depending on the size of the pre-operative breast. For very small breasts, Dr. King can perform fairly non-invasive procedures such as liposuction. For larger breasts, more advanced breast reduction and reconstructive procedures are required.
For larger breasts, incisions are made so that excess fat and tissue can be removed from the sides of the chest. Typically, the nipple and areola remain attached to a vertical strip of skin and are repositioned to a higher place on the chest. Ultimately, the resizing and repositioning of the nipple and areola with the creation of male contours will result in a natural-looking male chest.
To schedule a confidential consultation with a caring and experienced cosmetic surgeon, please contact Clifford King, M.D., Ph.D. at his practice in Madison, Wisconsin.